viernes, diciembre 17, 2004

User-defined logical structures

En eclipse ya se pueden definir formas más adecuadas para mostrar en depuración los valores de las variables. Especialmente útil para colections, puede ampliarse a cualquier clase que construyamos.

Esto es lo que pone en la lista de mejoras:

User defined logical structures

The Java debugger now lets you control what gets shown in the variables view for different types of objects. For example, collections can be displayed as a simple array of values, instead of the gory details on how that particular collection object is implemented.

This is done from the Java > Debug> Logical Structures preference page, where you associate with a specific class or interface either a single expression (for example, this.toArray()) or a series of named expressions. When the object is to be shown in the variables view, the expressions are evaluated to produce the values to display.

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